Living Celebrating Honouring

Art . Culture. Music

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Triggered by the need to celebrate Bengal, and as an extension, India’s root music, Dohar and Lopamudra Mitra Productions initiated the Sahaj Parav in 2014.

This is today one of India’s leading folk culture festival, that has found its unique place in Kolkata’s annual festival calendar.On the stage of Sahaj Parav, folk artists from marginalised corners of Bengal collaborate and exchange their genre with leading musicians of the country. What makes Sahaj Parav standt out is how it isn’t the popular stars, but the folk musicians spending their lives away from the limelight, who become the true attractions of this event


In the past six seasons of this festival, Sahaj Parav has had the privilege to honor 12 legendary folk and classical musicians from Bengal and elsewhere in India.


The festival starts every year with its iconic march the ‘Sahaj Jatra’: a carnival of folk music, dance, song, art and crafts. This pioneered a trend in the city by inspiring other cultural events to adopt such an inauguration.

Various artists and groups have perceived Sahaj Parav to be a catapult to them being discovered by popular television shows, which then brings the festival a lot of traction.

The sheer scale in which folk music and traditions have found a niche of their own within popular television platforms is also, a key success of Sahaj Parav.       


Press Release

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150/2 Lake Gardens,Kolkata 700045

© 2024 Sahaj Parav Concept by @Livingroomstories. Designed by @Numindstech

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